Thursday, November 7, 2013

Preschool Stuttering---my latest Help Me Talk Right book

I know that I have been a bit lax in my app reviews lately. The reason is that I am getting ready to publish my 4th Help Me Talk Right book, Preschool Stuttering: What Parents Can Do. It is written and with the typesetter. Once it is typeset, it will be off to the printer. The publication date is February, 2014.

The book will be available in paperback and ebook. The paperback edition will be $12.99 and the ebook $9.99. Here is a brief synopsis:

When parents first hear their child stutter, they may feel scared and helpless. They may wonder what they can do to help him so that he does not grow up stuttering.  Preschool Stuttering: What Parents Can Do gives parents the keys to opening the doors that will help them help their child. The book explains the following and more:

-what happens when a child stutters
- stuttering facts 
-the role of emotions in stuttering
- the emotions and roles of the parents
-what can cause the child’s stutter to be better or worse
- the impact of the child’s environment
-what parents can do if they want to help their child stop stuttering
-when and where to seek professional help
-what to expect when seeking professional help


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